CLGSA Fall Events Announced!
Comparative Literature Conference Room 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CAThe Comparative Literature Graduate Student Association (CLGSA) has just announced its forthcoming schedule. Sketched below, these events can investigated further by contacting the CLGSA directly. We hope to see you all––as often as possible!
Dimitris Vardoulakis – Stasis Before the State
Comparative Literature Conference Room 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CAYou are invited to a workshop presentation of Prof. Dimitris Vardoulakis's new book: Stasis Before the State: Nine Theses on Agonistic Democracy (Fordham University Press, 2017) This book critiques the relation between sovereignty and democracy. Across nine theses, Vardoulakis argues that sovereignty asserts its power by establishing exclusions: the sovereign excluding other citizens from power...
UCLA Queer Graduate Conference 2017
Ackerman Bruin Reception RoomComparative Literature's Robert Farley will be speaking this Friday at the UCLA Queer Graduate Conference 2017. His paper is titled: "Translational Solidarity: Intersectionality, Women of Color Feminism, and Kwīr Knowledge Production in Arabic." Further details may be found here: The event is co-sponsored by Comparative Literature. Welcome to UCLA’s 2017 Queer Graduate Student Conference–the oldest,...
Job Market Discussions
Comparative Literature Conference Room 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CAHumanists @ Work: Graduate Career Workshop
Riverside Art Museum 3425 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside, CA 92501, RiversideOur Riverside Workshop is November 13, 2017 at the Riverside Art Museum. APPLY FOR A TRAVEL GRANT REGISTER FOR WORKSHOP WORKSHOP SCHEDULE 8:00–8:45 AM: Breakfast 8:45–9:00 AM: Welcome 9:00–10:30 AM: Stories from the Field Four UC humanities PhDs share their stories as humanists at work in the world. Magdalena Edwards, PhD Writer, Translator, Actor, Director,...
Ari Heinrich: “Chinese Bodies as Biological Surplus: Plastinated Cadavers and Geopolitical Heirarchies of the Human”
Kaplan Hall 348The first event in the 2017-2018 Sexuality & Geopolitics Seminar Series will feature Ari Heinrich, Associate Professor of Literature and Cultural Studies at UCSD. Their lecture, “Chinese Bodies as Biological Surplus: Plastinated Cadavers and Geopolitical Heirarchies of the Human" will question what a comparative examination of Chinese-language discourse on the plastinated human cadaver exhibits might...
Souvenirs of the Organ Trade: The Diasporic Body in Chinese Literature and Art
Kaplan Hall 348Li Zhiwang, “Female Nude.” Abstract: This chapter argues that the works of controversial Chinese contemporary experimental artists known as the “Cadaver Group”—some of whom were at the center of a recent controversy surrounding a retrospective of Chinese art at the Guggenheim—should not be dismissed so easily as “shock art.” Instead the works could be understood as documenting a transition from an...
Peter Sigal: “Thinking with Trash: Nahua Knowledge and Queer Being”
Kaplan Hall 348The second event in the 2017-2018 Sexuality & Geopolitics Seminar Series will feature Peter Sigal, Professor of History and Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at Duke University. His lecture, "Thinking with Trash: Nahua Knowledge and Queer Being" discusses how the Nahuas of central Mexico help us to see how indigenous meaning-making relates to the intellectual enterprise that...
Making Maya Men: Fantasy, Voyeurism, and Queer Abjection
Kaplan Hall 348Figure 1 from Making Maya Men: Fantasy, Voyeurism, and Queer Abjection Abstract: Franciscan friar Diego de Landa, in the mid sixteenth century, and Hollywood film producer and director Mel Gibson, in the early twenty-first century, created Maya men as abject queer beings. In 1566 Landa wrote his Relación de las cosas de Yucatán, an extensive ethnographic...
ACLA Conference 2018
The American Comparative Literature Association's 2018 Annual Meeting will take place at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California between March 29th and April 1st, 2018. The ACLA's annual conferences have a distinctive structure in which most papers are grouped into twelve-person seminars that meet two hours per day for...
5th Annual Michael Henry Heim Memorial Lecture
Humanities Conference Room, Royce Hall 314 10745 Dickson Plaza, Los Angeles, CAThe 2018 Michael Henry Heim Annual Memorial Lecture in Translation and Translation Studies, entitled “Self-Translation and Its Discontents; Or: The Translational Work Lost in the Theory of Bilingualism”, will be given by Dr. Sigrid Weigel (Professor of German Literature and Director of the Centre for Literature Research in Berlin). Members of the community are welcome to attend.
Primo Levi Symposium
UCLA Faculty Center, California Room 480 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CAThis half-day symposium brings together an array of international scholars and writers engaged with the history, literature, and impact of Primo Levi, a chemist, writer, and humanist who survived Auschwitz and, through his writing, provided generations of students and scholars with the philosophical language to understand the Shoah—and the modern condition. The symposium celebrates...