Fellowship and Graduate Support

The Department of Comparative Literature  automatically considers all admitted students for multi-year funding packages. A typical funding package includes a combination of fees, stipends, and teaching apprenticeships over the course of 4-5 years. Funding commitments are contingent upon continued eligibility, including sustained degree progress in good academic standing.

All non-California residents are awarded non-resident supplemental tuition (NRST) during their first year of doctoral study. All eligible non-resident students (i.e. Permanent Residents and U.S. citizens) must establish California residency after their first year of graduate study. Information regarding California residency requirements is available on the UCLA Registrar’s Office website. All questions regarding California residency for tuition purposes should be directed to the Residence Deputy.


Students in the Ph.D. in Comparative Literature program have the opportunity to serve as Teaching Apprentices after their first year of doctoral study. Teaching apprenticeships are awarded on the basis of merit.

Fellowships and Grants

Numerous funding sources outside of the Department are available to help students fund their research.