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The Lesbian Subjectivity in Contemporary Arabic Literature: Between Discipline and Punishment

Mellon Minorities in the Middle East & North Africa Series A lecture by Dr. Iman Al-Ghafari, moderated by Robert J. Farley (UCLA) Friday, April 16, 2021 11:00 AM (Pacific Time)   Click Here to RSVP   Lesbian subjectivities have persistently been neglected, suppressed, misrepresented, or portrayed through the lenses of the inherited and recycled moral views...

Wrestling with Redemption: A. B. Yehoshua’s Retrospective Imagination

Wrestling with Redemption: A. B. Yehoshua's Retrospective Imagination Thursday, April 22 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM Pacific Time RSVP Here Yael Halevi-Wise will talk about her recent book, The Retrospective Imagination of A.B. Yehoshua(2020), which examines the work and ethos of one of Israel's foremost contemporary authors. An internationally-recognized novelist, the New York Times has...

The Art of Leaving: A Conversation with Ayelet Tsabari

Acclaimed Israeli author Ayelet Tsabari will discuss her memoir, "The Art of Leaving" and its themes of longing and belonging, growing up Mizrahi in Israel, and reclaiming her Yemeni identity. She will be joined by discussant Rabbi Miriyam Glazer, Emerita Professor of Literature at American Jewish University.   RSVP HERE   Presented by the Y&S...

Lecture Series – UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Adrián I. P-Flores

"Traversing Suicide: The Unthought of Blackness in the Suicidological Imagination"   Co-sponsored with the Comparative Literature Program in Experimental Critical Theory   RSVP HERE   About the Lecture This talk poses a fundamental question: “Is Black suicide possible?” This question aims to excavate, within the contemporary field of suicidology, the systematic riveting of blackness to...

Annual Edward W. Said Lecture – Dr. Angela Davis

"International Solidarity in the Era of Black Lives Matter and Justice for Palestine"   CLICK HERE to view a recording of this lecture   CLICK HERE to download the flyer for this lecture   This lecture was held virtually via Zoom Webinar at 12:00 PM PST on Thursday, April 14, 2022. For more information about...

Heim Memorial Lecture: “Translating Erased Histories” with Dr. Maureen Freely

Fethiye Çetin with her grandmother CLICK HERE TO VIEW LECTURE RECORDING   About the Lecture 20 years ago, a loose-knit collective of Turkish journalists, lawyers, writers, publishers, and social justice advocates banded together to tell the truth about the Armenian genocide to the Turkish people, who had by then been subjected to denialist lies for...

Public Talk: Andreas Mayer

Kaplan Hall 348 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

Intangible and Recalcitrant Objects: Balzac’s Pedestrian Observations and the Predicament of the Human Sciences   In 1833, Honoré de Balzac published a short essay entitled La théorie de démarche. In this highly original text, he defines for the first time his historical-anthropological approach to the society of his epoch that would lead to the vast...