Naguib Mahfouz (African Cristal, 2015). Faculty expert, Nouri Gana.
Get a CLUA about Comp Lit! CLUA stands for the Comparative Literature Undergraduate Association and is the official student organization affiliated with the UCLA Department of Comparative Literature. CLUA’s mission is to spread awareness about the discipline of Comparative Literature as a field and to nourish a holistic approach to students’ study of literature in various languages and traditions. To foster student development in the written word, CLUA offers a space outside the classroom where students of any major can engage in discussions on a number of literary themes and share their original work. CLUA also connects with UCLA faculty, staff, groups, and programs to deepen students’ real world understanding of literature to help students grow as multidisciplinary readers and writers. CLUA hosts poetry readings, lectures, writing workshops, field trips, brown bag lunches, read-a-thons, film screenings and more!
To join CLUA or learn more about the group, please send an email to: