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The Lesbian Subjectivity in Contemporary Arabic Literature: Between Discipline and Punishment

Mellon Minorities in the Middle East & North Africa Series A lecture by Dr. Iman Al-Ghafari, moderated by Robert J. Farley (UCLA) Friday, April 16, 2021 11:00 AM (Pacific Time)   Click Here to RSVP   Lesbian subjectivities have persistently been neglected, suppressed, misrepresented, or portrayed through the lenses of the inherited and recycled moral views...

Dr. Leila Pazargadi: “Autographics & the Archive: Visualizing Memory & Trauma in Southwestern Asian Graphic Memoirs”

Lecture by Dr. Leila Pazargadi Associate Professor of English, Nevada State College "Autographics & the Archive: Visualizing Memory & Trauma in Southwestern Asian Graphic Memoirs"   Monday, march 1, 2021 at 5:00 PM PST LECTURE VIA ZOOM CLICK HERE TO RSVP   ABOUT THE LECTURE Since its reformulation as a historical and autobiographical storytelling tool...

Hebrew Poetry of Life & Love: Rachel Bluwstein, Leah Goldberg and Naomi Shemer

Israeli poetesses Leah Goldberg (left), Rachel Bluwstein, and Naomi Shemer. (Courtesy: Grubner/Hebrew University of Jerusalem,; and Wikipedia, respectively; cropped). Used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Nili Alon Amit, a Visiting Scholar at the UCLA Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, will discuss the works of several important Israeli poetesses Rachel Bluwstein and Leah Goldberg, and...