UCLA Institutes & Centers
Center for 17th- & 18th-Century Studies
Graduate & Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
The Center for 17th- & 18th-Century Studies offers both short- and long-term fellowships for research stays at the Clark Library. Click here to learn more.
Collegium of University teaching fellows (CUTF)
Professional Development for Graduate Teaching Fellows
CUTF is an innovative program that creates unique learning opportunities for both graduate students and undergraduate students on campus. Through the program, some of UCLA’s very best advanced graduate students have the opportunity to develop and teach a lower division seminar in their field of specialization on a one-time only basis. This experience serves as a “capstone” to the teaching apprenticeship, preparing them for the academic job market and their role as future faculty.
Learn more about the program and application here.
excellence in pedagogy & innovative classrooms (EPIC)
Course Development Seminars in Teaching Excellence
The EPIC Course Development STE brings together Humanities faculty and graduate students to develop undergraduate courses in the following interdisciplinary fields within the Humanities: Health & Medical, Environmental, Digital, and Urban Humanities. Participants will work collaboratively across disciplines and levels of experience to workshop and produce syllabi for fully designed, ready-to-teach courses. Click here for more information about the Course Development STE and how to apply.
center for the study of women
Fellowships, Grants, and Graduate Student Research Opportunities
The Center for the Study of Women offers an array of fellowships and even GSR appointments. A complete list can be found here.
CMRS Center for Early global studies
Travel Grants & Research Fellowships
Click here for fellowship and application information on the CMRS-CEGS website.
Center for israel studies
Grants & Fellowships for Faculty, Graduate Students, & Postdoctoral Researchers
Click here for more information.
center for jewish studies
Graduate Research & Travel Grants
The Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies invites UCLA graduate students to submit applications for research, language study, and conference support. Click here for more information.
center for the study of the iranian world
For Scholars, Graduate Students, & Postdoctoral Fellows
The Pourdavoud Center offers grants and fellowships to established and emerging scholars, to support their research unhindered by other obligations for a period of three to nine months. Read more here.
center for the study of hellenic culture
Graduate Student Fellowships
Click here for information about travel and research fellowships available to graduate students.