- Ph.D., Emory University, 2000
Current Courses
- Comparative Thinking (CL 250A)
- Narrative Thinking (CL 250A)
- Ternary Positionality: Relationally, Decoloniality, and Interpretation (CL 250)
- Medieval Studies: Travel and Translation (CL 220)
- Old French (FRNCH 214)
- Francophone Literature of the Medieval Mediterranean (FRNCH 215)
- Mediterranean Studies (FRNCH 215)
- Survey of Literature: Middle Ages to 17th century (CL 2BW)
- Medieval Foundations of European Civilization (FRNCH 112)
- Survey of French Literature (Middle Ages & Renaissance) (FRNCH 114A)
Featured Works
- Fixers
- Agency, Translation, and the Early Global History of Literature
- University of Chicago Press, 2024
- Les Fixeurs au Moyen Âge. Histoire et littérature connectées
- Les Éditions du Seuil, 2021
- Médiéval contemporain. Pour une littérature connectée
- Éditions Macula, 2020
- The Adventures of Gillion de Trazegnies
- The Adventures of Gillion de Trazegnies
- J. Paul Getty Publications, 2015
- Pornographic Archaeology
- Medicine, Medievalism and the Invention of the French Nation
- University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013
- L’archéologie pornographique
- Médecine, Moyen Âge et histoire de France
- Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018
- Thinking Through Chrétien de Troyes
- Gallica, 2011
- Bloodless Genealogies of the French Middle Ages
- Translatio, Kinship, and Metaphor
- University Press of Florida, 2005
- “Better Early than Late: Early Global Studies at a Public University,” Speculum 100:1 (January 2025), Centennial Issue, eds. Roland Betancourt and Karla Mallette.
- “How Early Before It Is Too Late? ‘Medieval’ Periodization, Epistemic Change, and the Institution,” Viator 54:2 (2023): 1-24.
- “Afterword. Fixing Translation: Fixers as Paradigm for a Commensurate Social History of Translation,” Special Issue, Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies 21:4 (2021), ed. Claire Gilbert [2023].
- “Translation,” in Transnational Modern Languages: A Handbook, 313-321, eds. Jennifer Burns and Derek Duncan, Liverpool University Press, 2022.
- Response essay to H-France Forum on “Z. Stahuljak, Médiéval contemporain: Pour une littérature connectée (Macula 2020),” vol. 16.4, September 2021,
- “Transgender Translation, Humanism, and Periodization: Vasco da Lucena’s Manuscripts of The Deeds of Alexander the Great,” 207-231, in Trans Historical: Gender Plurality Before the Modern, eds. Greta LaFleur, Masha Raskolnikov, and Anna M. Klosowska, Cornell University Press, 2021.
- “Les langues du voyage: le roman bourguignon et ses fixeurs méditerranéens,” 233-241, in Écrire le voyage au temps des ducs de Bourgogne. Actes du colloque international organisé les 19 et 20 octobre 2017 à l’Université du Littoral – Côte d’Opale (Dunkerque), eds. Jean Devaux, Matthieu Marchal et Alexandra Velissariou, Brepols, coll. Burgundica, 2021.
- “Médiévalisme,” 803-809, in Nouvelle histoire du Moyen Âge, ed. Florian Mazel, Éditions du Seuil, 2021.
- “D’Alexandre et de quelques Amazones: portraits textuels et visuels,” 85-99, in La femme sauvage dans les arts et les lettres, eds. Christine Ferlampin Acher and Bruno Boerner, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2021.
- “Connected Literature: Chansons de geste, Burgundian livres de gestes, and the Writing of Literary Theory,” 99-111, in The Futures of Medieval French, eds. Jane Gilbert and Miranda Griffin, D. S. Brewer, 2021.
- “World Collecting: Patronage, Spoliation, and Forms of Government,” 1181-1189, in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to World Literature, Vol. 2: 600 C.E. to 1450 C. E., ed. Christine Chism, general ed. Kenneth Segneurie, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019.
- “L’empire des livres: imagination, matière d’Orient, et archive du possible aux Pays-Bas bourguignons,” in Tirant. Butlletí informatiu i bibliográfic de literatura de cavalleries 22: 195-206 (2019), special issue Don Quichotte avant Don Quichotte.
- “The Long Middle Ages of Jacques de Lalaing: Medieval Genres and the Status of History,” 77-89, in A Knight for the Ages: Jacques de Lalaing and the Art of Chivalry, ed. Elizabeth Morrison, J. Paul Getty Publications, 2018.
- “The Pilgrim Translation Market and the Meaning of Courtoisie,” 201-220, in The French of Outremer: Communities and Communications in the Crusading Mediterranean, eds. Laura Morreale and Nicholas Paul, Fordham University Press, 2018.
- “La Vie de Saint Alexis and the Alexis Quire in the Crusading Context,” 195-218, in St. Albans and the Markyate Psalter: Seeing and Reading in Twelfth-Century England, eds. Kristen Collins and Matthew Fisher, Medieval Institute Publications, 2017.
- “Merlin à Jérusalem: Un traité de croisade pour les rois d’Angleterre,” 491-500, in Arthur après Arthur. La matière arthurienne tardive en dehors du roman arthurien, de l’intertextualité au phénomène de mode, ed. Christine Ferlampin Acher, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017.
- “Translation and Multilingualism in the Medieval Mediterranean,” Exemplaria: Medieval, Early Modern, Theory26(4): 389-400 (Winter 2014).
- “Genealogy,” 71-78, in Medievalism: Critical Terms, eds. Elizabeth Emery and Richard Utz, D.S. Brewer, 2014.
- “History as a Medical Category: Heredity, Positivism, and the Study of the Past in Nineteenth-Century France, ”History of the Present 3 (2): 140-159 (Fall 2013).
- “The Sexuality of History: The Demise of Hugh Despenser, Roger Mortimer, and Richard II in Jean Le Bel, Froissart, and Jean d’Outremeuse,”133-147, in Violence and The Writing of History in the Medieval Francophone World, eds. Noah D. Guynn and Zrinka Stahuljak, D.S. Brewer, 2013.
- “Historicity, Violence, and the Medieval Francophone World: Mémoire hystérisée,”1-16, with Noah Guynn, in Violence and The Writing of History in the Medieval Francophone World, eds. Noah D. Guynn and Zrinka Stahuljak, D.S. Brewer, 2013.
- “Medieval Fixers: Politics of Interpreting in Western Historiography,” 147-163, in Rethinking Medieval Translation: Ethics, Politics, Theory, eds. Bob Mills and Emma Campbell, D.S. Brewer, 2012.
- “History’s Fixers: Informants, Mediators, and Writers in the Prise d’Alixandre,” 277-292, in A Companion to Guillaume de Machaut. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Master, eds. Deborah McGrady and Jennifer Bain, Brill, 2012.
- “Sexuality, Shame, and the Genesis of Romance,” 57-66, in Cambridge History of French Literature, eds. William Burgwinkle, Nicholas Hammond, Emma Wilson, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
- “Minor Empires: Translation, Conflict, and Postcolonial Critique,”The Translator 16(2): 255-274 (November 2010), special issue on Translation and Violent Conflict.
- “‘Archéologie pathologique’: Le Moyen Age et l’histoire de la médecine,” 207-14, in Fantasmagories du Moyen Age, Senefiance 56, eds. Élodie Burle-Errecade and Valérie Naudet, Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’université de Provence, CUERMA, 2010.
- “War, Translation, Transnationalism. Interpreters In and Of the War (Croatia, 1991-1992),” 391-414, in Critical Readings in Translation Studies, ed. Mona Baker, Routledge, 2010.
- “Traduire la honte (Le Tribunal pénal international pour l’ex-Yougoslavie et son deuxième monde),” 165-183, in Lire, écrire la honte, ed. Bruno Chaouat, Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2007.
- “Neutrality Affects: Froissart and the Practice of Historiographic Authorship,” 137-156, in The Medieval Author in Medieval French Literature, ed. Virginie Greene, Palgrave/McMillan, 2006.
- “Chrétien de Troyes, moralisateur impossible,” La Revue littéraire 19: 115-131 (October 2005).
- “Crimes sexuels. Les femmes et latranslatiodans les ‘romans antiques’ écrits en ancien français,” 15-29, in D’une écriture à l’autre. Les femmes et la traduction sous l’Ancien Régime, ed. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2004.
- “An Epistemology of Tension: Translation and Multiculturalism,” The Translator 10 (1): 33-57 (April 2004).
- “Jean Froissart’s Chroniques:Translatio and the Impossible Apprenticeship of Neutrality,” 121-142, in Politics of Translation in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, eds. Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Luise von Flotow, Daniel Russell, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2001.
- “Violent Distortions: Bearing Witness to the Task of Wartime Translators, ”Traduction Terminologie Rédaction 13 (1): 37-51 (Spring 2001), special issue Ideologies and Translation.
- “Future’s Phantoms, or Reincarnations of the Parricidal Past in the Roman d’Eneas,”L’Esprit Créateur 40 (1): 14-24 (Spring 2000), special issue Writing One’s Death: Between Fiction and Testimony.
- “The Violence of Neutrality: Translators in and of the War (Croatia, 1991-92),” College Literature 26 (1): 34-51 (Winter 1999), special issue Cultural Violence.
- Introduction and Translation of selections from the Old French Virgilian tradition (Roman de Cléomadés; Image du monde; Noirons li arabis; Renart le contrefait). The Virgilian Tradition to 1500. Eds. Michael Putnam and Jan Ziolkowski, Yale UP, 2008.
Edited Volumes
- Violence and The Writing of History in the Medieval Francophone World, co-edited with Noah Guynn. D.S. Brewer (Gallica), 2013.
- Minima Memoria: Essays in the Wake of Jean-François Lyotard, co-edited with Claire Nouvet and Kent Still. Stanford University Press, 2007.
Field of Interest
Continental French, Anglo-French, and Outremer literature, historiography, and culture; Critical theory; Translation studies; Mediterranean studies; Manuscript studies; Medievalism; History of sexualityLanguages
French, Old and Middle French, Latin, Italian, Middle English, CroatianFellowships and Activities
Fellowships & Awards
- PI, Mellon Foundation Grant, “Race in the Global Past through Native Lenses” (2023-2026), $1M
- Co-PI, GLOHUM (Global Humanisms: New Perspectives on the Middle Ages, 300-1600), Croatian Science Foundation-European Union Grant (PZS-2019-02-1624), Nov. 1, 2019-Feb. 28, 2023 (ca. 300,000 Euros). Awarded in 2023 the recognition of the highest ranked project in the Programme for Scientific Cooperation from the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ).
- Honorary Visiting Professor, EHESS, Paris (March 20-April 15, 2023),
- Honorary Visiting Professor, NSTC (National Science and Technology Council) Funding Source, Taiwan, November 2022.
- Honorary Visiting Professor, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, May 2022, New Critical Approaches,
- Corresponding Member, Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2020-to date.
- International Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick, February 2019.
- Visiting Professor (Professeure invitée), Collège de France, June 2018.
- Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2016.
- Visiting Chair, Chaire des Ameriques, Institut des Ameriques de Rennes, Universite Rennes 2, September – October 2016.
- J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, Fulbright Research Scholar, 2012-2013.
- Exploratory Seminar Grant, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, May 2007.
- Member, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Sciences, 2005-2006.
- Junior Fellow, The Society of Fellows, Humanities Foundation, Boston University, Fall 2003.
- Teaching Excellence Award, Honors Program, Boston University, 2002-2003.
- Director, CMRS Center for Early Global Studies, July 2019-to date
- Co-director, UCLA Experimental Critical Theory Program,
- Series Editor, Anamnèses: Médiéval/Contemporain, Éditions Macula (Paris),
- ARTE TV channel, “Le Graal, la quête d’une fiction,” Faire l’histoire, April 9, 2022,
- Festival Manufacture d’idées, “Ressources humaines: fixeurs,” Hurigny, August 27, 2002,
- “Un Moyen Âge inventé,” France Culture, June 22, 2018,
- “Une ‘archéologie pornographique’ pour penser la nation française,” MediaPart, June 12, 2018,