Latest Past Events
“The Same Frame of Mind, but a Different Villain”: Conspiracist Narratology and the Decolonization of Africa
Kaplan Hall 348 415 Portola Plaza, Los AngelesA workshop with Christian David Alvarado KAPLAN HALL ROOM #348 1:00-2:30pm Workshop 2:30-3:00pm Reception This workshop is open to UCLA Comparative Literature graduate students, UCLA English graduate students, and UCLA African Studies Center students. Related Document: Workshop Chapter The chapter we will be discussing in this workshop examines a key episode in the...
What is this thing called Mau Mau? The “Storm in Kenya” in Global Perspectives
Kaplan Hall 348 415 Portola Plaza, Los AngelesA Talk by Christian David Alvarado Kaplan Hall Room #348 5:00-8:00 PM In the opening pages of Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s 1967 novel A Grain of Wheat, a European district officer asks a version of the question at the core of discourse about the anticolonial movement that gripped Kenya in the 1950s: “What is this thing...
Public Talk: Andreas Mayer
Kaplan Hall 348 415 Portola Plaza, Los AngelesIntangible and Recalcitrant Objects: Balzac’s Pedestrian Observations and the Predicament of the Human Sciences In 1833, Honoré de Balzac published a short essay entitled La théorie de démarche. In this highly original text, he defines for the first time his historical-anthropological approach to the society of his epoch that would lead to the vast...