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CLGSA Fall Events Announced!
Comparative Literature Conference Room 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los AngelesThe Comparative Literature Graduate Student Association (CLGSA) has just announced its forthcoming schedule. Sketched below, these events can investigated further by contacting the CLGSA directly. We hope to see you all––as often as possible!
Fall Undergraduate Town Hall
Comparative Literature Conference Room 280 Charles E Young Dr N, Los AngelesPublic Lecture by Professor Eleanor Kaufman: “Ethics and Otherness: Derrida, Levinas, and the Gaze of the Other in the Jewish American Wild West”
Herbert Morris Humanities Seminar Room, Royce Hall 306 340 Royce Drive, Los AngelesThe AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR LEVINASSIAN STUDIES* presents its third 2016-2017 lecture on “The Return of Ethics” Ethics and Otherness: Derrida, Levinas, and the Gaze of the Other in the Jewish American Wild West by Professor Eleanor Kaufman (Comparative Literature, English, and French and Francophone Studies, UCLA) Presented in English Discussion moderated by Professor Lia Brozgal (UCLA) It is...