Against Diaspora: Discourses on Sinophone Studies

Published: July 19, 2018

History of the latest book “Anti-Discrete: Chinese The Study of Language Studies proposes that the Chinese language family studies focus on the geopolitical culture of the nation-state and the Chinese language culture of the hegemonic production. The focus is on the Chinese-language community formed by three historical processes: continental colonization, colonization, and migration. / Immigration. The Chinese language study disintegrates the equivalence chain formed between language, culture, ethnicity and nationality after the rise of the nation-state, and explores China and China, the United States and the United States, Malaysia and Malaysia by thinking about the unique Chinese language cultural texts produced locally. The edges of sex, Taiwan and Taiwan are as varied and creatively overlapping as a kaleidoscope. “Anti-Discrete: Chinese Language Research” believes that the formation of Chinese language culture contains many different marks. Language mark can usually be used as a microcosm of other implicit differences, so it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of Chinese language language. The concept of the Chinese language family expresses multilinguality in sound and writing. For example, Chinese-language Hong Kong literature has long-term negotiation between Cantonese and Beijing dialect by creating new words and words. The mainstream Chinese-language Taiwanese literature is the field of negotiation between Heluo and Beijing dialect, and there is also innovation in the text; Chinese language family Malaysian writers and cultural workers use the sounds and words of different elements such as Cantonese, Fujian dialect, Chaozhou dialect and Beijing dialect in text and film dialogue. Therefore, the Chinese language is not only polyphonic but also polyscriptic. In addition, the concept of Chinese language not only expresses the diversity of language, but also highlights the process of localization and hybridization of these languages ​​in specific places and local non-Chinese languages. Although the Hui people are regarded as the deepest ethnic minority in China, Chinese writers of Hui language still use or use Arabic. For example, in the Chinese-speaking Singapore literature, writers confuse various Chinese with Malay, English, and sometimes Tamil. Similarly, Chinese-language American literature is a literary tradition that has existed for more than a hundred years. It was written in Cantonese in the early years. In recent years, more standard Chinese has been used. Its long-standing hidden or explicit interlocutors are English in the mainstream language.